Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 3 check in

Scale disaster! Brownies! Knees! It has not been a glorious week for round three.

If the scale is correct, I actually haven't lost any weight since I started. Whatever my estimates were previously, it says I weigh in at 181. Before anyone tries to say I gained muscle, that's likely b.s. - there's no WAY I do enough lifting to gain 8 lbs of muscle. I have worked out at least once a day, every day, for three weeks, mostly cardio. I have eaten an average of 1,300 calories a day.

What. The. Eff.

I must admit that yesterday I gave in and baked brownies, which thank goodness were awful - not tempting. But I did have one, and I did NOT work out thanks to a combo of despair and soreness in my knees.

I know enough not to let the scale set you back, but really? This is frustrating. Hopefully everyone will share tales of accomplishment and shedding pounds to encourage me forward.


  1. Ok, first of all, did you make sure your scale setting were correctly set at zero before stepping onto it? And, yes, you can gain 8lbs of muscle just from cardio. Oh yes you can, especially if you were pretty sedentary before starting all this walking/running.
    Secondly, you learned from the Biggest Loser that you just get up and work out harder the next day if you slip, right? Well, if the weight isn't coming off, and you are following all the rules correctly, then you need to adjust something or work more. Everyone's body are different from each other. Maybe all cardio isn't for you. Maybe you aren't sweating enough while doing it. Maybe you plateaued. Maybe you're not really only eating 1300, because you are miscalculating somehow. Something isn't adding up, so you need to reevaluate it all or step it up a notch.
    Third, every time you "just have one brownie" that is an additional 500 calories, depending on the type, for just ONE brownie. If you are hell bent on losing this weight, you need to be stronger against the food cravings. Every time you think, "Oh, I'll just have a taste of that brownie or croissant or alfredo pasta..." you're adding many extra calories even for just the "taste" that usually is a big taste. And all those "tastes" usually add up fast. We can't be strong for you, you have to want it and do it! If your knees hurt, then you do sit ups or something that is not working the knees, you know?
    Now, before you get upset with me for being hard on you, let me just tell you that I am in the same boat. I haven't worked out since last Tuesday (over a week) and I had rich, French food on V-day, but I have no one to blame but myself and I own up to my mistakes. You can't make my weight come off, only I can. I have to be strong. I have to not give into the sugar cravings. I have to sweat it off. I have to tell my boyfriend, "no, I cannot have the chocolate mousse after dinner." I have to go do cardio and weights every other day or more. No one can do this for me. My pot belly will not fly off with little or no effort, because I am not 18 anymore. Nor will yours. Now get angry with me and let's get this effin weight off once and for all!!

  2. Oh my God I literally just threw down the donut I was eating (I know, I know) after reading this. YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT and totally awesome, mystery jenroper lady. s/j/m/j, you can do this!!!!

    -Back on track in Bellevue
