Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My 18 weeks started a few weeks ago so I don't have a week one update, but here's what's been happening:

-With the exception of one Domino's thin crust pizza (I blame Extreme Home Makeover) and one scone (re-org at work), I've cut down on carbs drastically. Starches, too. Still eating a banana in the morning, though.

-Went to boxing fitness class at Cappy's for the first time in months.

-Instead of taking a bus home in the afternoon, I've been walking the 1.25 mile uphill route FAST. Takes about 25 minutes. I do that at least twice a week and have gotten to know Jackson street really well.

-I jogged a mile. I can't even remember the last time I did that.

-My muffin top is totally shrinking. Just yesterday I realized that I have my waist back. It was a great feeling.

-I weigh 9lbs less than I did when I started.

-I made this:
(Raw zucchini ribbons, raw tomato sauce. Not bad!)

My goal, almost as much as losing weight (I have 11 pounds to go), is to BE IN SHAPE. All caps because I mean it. Build up endurance, get some definition, have an ass to be proud of. I don't care how that sounds, that's what I want. Don't we all?? I think for me that means sweating for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week with some strength building. We'll see how it goes.

These are what I see as my main challenges:

-My boyfriend. He's great but he loves to go out to eat, eat late at night, use a lot of olive oil and butter in everything. He's out of town right now and I attribute my success so far in large part to that. I'm nervous that when he gets back that I'll lose a lot of ground.

-Time. I have a full-time job, a side gig, two volunteer commitments, and a few TV shows that I can't miss (hello, Blair Waldorf). It's not easy to fit exercise in and I get pretty tired. Hoping exercise videos will do the trick.

So, nothing too unique or extreme. I think I just need to find a good balance; can't wait to see how I feel when I do.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I feel like I am looking in a mirror with your blog... What? Huh? No, wait, what? Yes, let's go down the list that matches, shall we:
    went to boot camp for the first time; jogged a mile for the first time in, um, years; my muffin top is also shrinking (high fives to me and R!); I'm making and eating more raw, healthy food; sweating up to 3 hours a week with some strength building; I have the boyfriend who loves all the things your boyfriend loves to eat with time and richness to boot, but (and please see my metabolic blog) now I can at least enjoy the richness part with him; and, finally, I am overcommitted to a full-time job, other side jobs, everyone and their dog's taxes right now, and GOSSIP GIRL (another high five to us!)

    hahahaha, and it was nice to meet you R. :)
