Sunday, February 1, 2009

Epsom salt + Ibuprofen

I may have overshot the mark yesterday. Not enough that I couldn't go swimming this morning, but enough that I'm reminded of my workout with every step. Luckily, there is ibuprofen. And I'm learning all about why Epsom salt is beneficial! I had always thought it helped you pull water out, presumably along with the ache-inducing lactic acid. Instead your body absorbs the magnesium + sulfates through the skin, helping to detoxify.

Extensive stretching is also saving my, errr, butt. Or at least my ability to lift it off the floor. I stretch not only after the workout, but a couple hours later do a quick warmup and another round of stretching. Stretching followed by LOTS of water.

More on how I've managed to be so damn sore in my recap on Tuesday.

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