Friday, March 13, 2009


I thought this would be especially interesting to A since she's also a raw fooder, and possibly to J since she's seen Kate as well. I've been doing truly magical smoothies for breakfast + my ph has been climbing all week. [Less acidic and closer to the ideal 7.0-7.4]

Note that these are NOT low calorie by any stretch of the imagination. But I'm able to stay at 1200 calories/day even with this inclusion, IF I pay close attention at the end of the day.

A usual smoothie:
Organic frozen fruit, no more than 1/2 c.
Vanilla stevia
Unsweetened almond milk [would love to start making my own]
Vitamin D drops
Raw cacao
Quantum Greens [from Kate P. - they're DELICIOUS]
Coconut oil, roughly 1T
Soaked goji berries + soak water

Sometimes I add a little almond butter, or acai, or spinach - whatever I can get my hands on. I know I've mentioned my smoothie love before, but they're really so energizing + good for digestion. And the quantum greens is taking it to the next level for me.

THE &#$*&! scale has yet to budge, but my belt needs a new hole, or I need a new belt. Seems like excellent progress. And though saying goodbye to coffee feels like the end of the world + killed my workout motivation this week, I finally pulled out a decent 40 minutes this morning. Combined a circuits of my 3 minute snail pace then sprinting a 10 minute mile [well, sprinting for ME] for at least a minute. I've had a huge mental block against going more than a mile all week, so this felt like a GIANT victory. Take that, coffee! You can't ruin my kidney cleanse!

What else is everyone doing? R? A? J? C? Other J? Other R, who I imagine has never actually read this? Our little lurkers, E + L?



  1. DCN pretty much ruined my workout routine this week - although we still do green juice every morning. The good news for me is that music IS a workout - about 3 ww activity points for each hour of practice I figure - so I figure it'll be a wash. My points have been okay, but I'm glumly not expecting to see a - on the scale this week. Going into high gear next week, though. might try your smoothies!! they sound delish!!

  2. That smoothie sounds awesome! I will have to venture to the store soon and give it a try. Other than that, I don't think I've lost anymore weight since the beginning, but I have toned up a bit, so I'm happy with that progress so far. Tonight, though, we will just eat and be merry with Rae! :)

  3. am i the other r? ha ha, fact i do keep up with your blog quite frequently funny you know i have started bikram yoga 2 days a week and it is uber intense! a room heated to 105 degrees, then you do yoga for an hour and a half, it kick your ass in a serious way!!! although i love going to the gym and running and pumping iron, i think this is taking working out to another level. i feel as though my muscles as becoming longer and leaner while still toning...if any of you fine ladies would like to go give me a ring! for first timers you get a whole week for only $20, then when you fall in love you gota pay the big bucks, but i kinda feel like it's worth it...or if any of you wanna just go to the gym, or walk green lake, or any sort of exercising, i would love to get together!!!

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