Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 11

Sorry 9 +10. You were busy. Or rather, I was. Update fail.

So, what's up for week 11? Victory!! Victory is up.

Saturday I finished my 5 mile run at a 12.5 minute mile pace. Mind = blown. My normal trot is maybe 16 minute miles on a good day. Adrenaline certainly did me some good. Walked away not too sore - some pain on my left knee the following day was quickly banished with epsom, arnica, rest, and ice. Voila!

I won't make my goal of 50 pounds by June, and that's ok - I'm still at 20 pounds right now, and will continue past the 18 weeks anyhow. I'm excited to get back into routines this week after several long stretches of distraction. I leave for Vegas one month from today. Hot damn! Bathing suit and stripper dance class, here I come!

Still here, still trudging. So healthy you just wouldn't believe it - with the notable exception of the day my 'nephew' was born. Then, there was cupcakes and pizza... but it was a birthday! I'm back to supplements by the handful and daily cleanses. How are YOU? I miss you. Tell me everything.
